"Make food your medicine and medicine your food." -Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine
"Make love your medicine and medicine your love." - Dawn, The Good News Muse
I walked over to find the bags were filled with kale. Kale?! I was elated to find kale in the country but even more so to hear the story of how this particular kale came to be.
This is the same reason I eat kale. It feels right and is beautiful. I had no idea it's such a great food until later when I searched it on-line. (Kale's an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant with more iron than beef, more calcium than milk and more vitamin C than spinach.)
I walked away that morning from the Smithville Farmer's Market with kale, potatoes and hot peppers but more importantly I walked away filled with love, joy and wonder.
How beautiful that as trees become barren and skies tend toward gray that kale's green leaves appear. How beautiful this local man is participating in a friend's healing. How beautiful that green, the color of growth is the color representing the heart's energy center especially since hurt hearts are inclined to resist the growth that comes with re-opening.
Hippocrates the Greek physician considered the Father of Medicine said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine your food." I would add, "Make love your medicine and medicine your love, especially loving the local."
Little Farma is about local love, local love of nearby land growing foods for local folk like this farmer does for his friend.
Love the local and heal the land and yourself.
-Dawn, The Good News Muse, 16 November 2012
* Thanks to Jeff Cantrell who I've since learned is the president of the Smithville Farmer's Market. Thank you for talking with me that day and more recently for giving me permission to share your name in this story.
** 14 kale recipes from "Cooking Light."
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